Letter from the Editor: Palestinian Americans demand recognition in US political system

This is the perfect time for Palestine in America’s political issue; the 2020 presidential campaign is in full effect, and Democratic hopefuls are becoming more and more comfortable criticizing Israel. Today, one of our Congress members is a Palestinian woman (Rashida Tlaib), a few other Palestinians are running for other offices across the country, and there are many others who are currently working on political campaings, such as Linda Sarsour and Amer Zahr, who are working on the Sanders’ campaign. 

Confronting the Censorship of the Palestinian Struggle

In the United States, Trump is moving to use the IHRA’s definition to apply Title VI of the Civil Rights Act to protect Israel from its critics by effectively saying that Judaism is a nationality or a race and thus criticizing Israel becomes an “official” form of anti-Semitism. This will threaten the federal funding to university campuses where the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement has a presence, essentially targeting Palestinian activism on college and university campuses.