
Palestine in America

Palestine in America Inc NFP is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating print and digital magazines that highlight Palestinians in the Unites States. We also pride ourselves on being a platform for Palestinian journalists to jumpstart their careers.

We just published our 15th edition. Please consider becoming a monthly subscriber or ordering our print and digital magazines individually to support our work.

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SFSU Divests from weapons manufacturing

SFSU Divests from weapons manufacturing

San Francisco State University (SFSU) has agreed to divest from Lockheed Martin, Leonardo, the big-data mining company—Palantir, and Caterpillar, all of which have directly supported Israel’s genocidal attacks on Palestinians in Gaza..

Palestine in America (PiA) interviewed professor in the race and resistance department at the College of Ethnic Studies at SFSU, Dr. Rama Ali Kased, about the historic win for the students, faculty and alumni. During our interview she discussed the history of Palestinian organizing at the college, the student encampment last semester and how they plan to make sure their university invests its money ethically.

The university drafted new language that will be part of the Investment Policy Statement that institutionalizes this divestment and has a broader commitment to divest from other corporations that violate human rights, Dr. Kased explained to PiA.

Listen to the full interview on Spotify or YouTube.

Dave Zirin criticizes Steve Kerr's DNC speech

Dave Zirin criticizes Steve Kerr's DNC speech

Palestinians ignored during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, activists march on

Palestinians ignored during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, activists march on