All in Palestine in America
The crackdown on pro-Palestine activism in the United States has reached a fever pitch. Early last month, New York Governor Cuomo signed an executive order calling for the creation of a blacklist of institutions and individuals that support Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, and the denial of state funding to organizations that have participated in and/or support BDS activity.
Owners, visitors, and even prospective visitors are buzzing with energy in anticipation of the opening of the new “Rumi” Middle Eastern Grill on N. Milwaukee in Wicker Park.
Donna Baranski-Walker, founder of Rebuilding Alliance, met at the White House with senior advisor to President Barack Obama, Valerie B. Jarrett, earlier this month to discuss the ongoing destruction of Area C in the West Bank by Israeli forces.
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) held a Palestine Panel on June 14 in Washington, D.C. as part of its 35th Anniversary National Convention. The panel, titled “Non-Violent Tactics to End the Israeli Occupation and Protect Palestinian Human Rights” comes at the heel of the Congressional briefings that took place in D.C. on treatment of detained Palestinian children by the Israeli military.
Three U.S. churches, the Episcopal Church, the United Church of Christ (UCC), and the Mennonite Church USA (MCUSA) will consider ending financial support for the Israeli occupation.
When Amera and Elian Fayad escaped from Syria in 2013 with their three young children, they decided to go to Gaza. They sought to escape the war and insecurity that plagued them in Dwelah.
Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein endorsed the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS) in a statement released last week.
Palestinian community organizer Rasmea Odeh and her supporters will travel to Detroit for the latest hearing in her ongoing fight against federal immigration fraud charges, despite the Federal Circuit Court’s announcement that the hearing will be held in the judge’s chambers and not open to the public.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an anti-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) executive order on June 5. The order, which is also first in the nation, orders state agencies to divest from companies and organizations that are in support of the BDS movement.
Rabbi Michael Lerner spoke at Muhammad Ali’s memorial service on June 10. He called on the United States to recognize the oppression of the Palestinian people.
After battling Parkinson’s for almost three decades, Muhammad Ali passed away on June 3rd.
The Stolen Homes Coalition’s campaign demanded Airbnb stop listing rentals in Israeli settlements, during a Day of Action on June 2. Rallies targeting Airbnb and its investors were held in 18 cities in the U.S. and abroad.
Minnesota State Representative Betty McCollum penned a letter to President Barack Obama, on April 28, pushing him to instate a Special Envoy for Palestinian Children.
Liyla and the Shadows of War, a game that tells the story of a Palestinian father and daughter in the Gaza Strip, is now available for Android and iOS.
The Democratic candidates for president have each nominated a team of surrogates to represent their political priorities when the party hashes out its 2016 platform at the Democratic National Convention (DNC).
Last Wednesday, Hadeel, a fifth grade student at Sward Elementary in Oak Lawn, IL, was scolded by her teacher for wearing a t-shirt she said seemed “offensive.”
The Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project (IRDP) will host a Palestine De-Colonial Summer School in Istanbul, Turkey. The program will be held at Sehir University from August 1-12.
This year’s lineup will include: Palestinian-American comedian Dylan Fahoome; Palestinian Debke performer Ahmed Hamad, Palestinian singer and musician Hamze Allaham and his band Baeoa; Palestinian-American rapper Waheeb Nassan; Palestinian-American singer Kareem Ibrahim; and Palestinian-American rapper Safi G!
Last Friday, airport security officials at Chicago O’Hare International Airport reportedly detained a Palestinian family of three for two days before sending them on a return flight to Palestine through Amman Queen Alia International Airport, according to local immigration lawyer Osamah Odeh.
3000 Nights opens on a dark, pouring night where we first see the main character, Layal. The film’s hauntingly beautiful and crisp cinematography shines through its immediate construction of the prison’s cruel atmosphere and the air of hostility between the inmates and the prison guards.